Chinese Boxing Synthesis

Chinese Boxing Short Core Synthesis 16 Boards

The Chinese Boxing Short Core Synthesis is a comprehensive approach to studying the martial art of realistic fighting.  16 Catagories attmept to fully epuip one for real combat both mentally and physically.  Art that were drawn from for this synthesis were: Tai Chi, Hsing-i, Pakua, Walu, Wing Chun, Fukien White Crane, and small bits from Stone Killer Monkey and Black Shantung Tiger.  A synthesis is no more than a hodge podge of unrelated techniques unless it has a glue to bring it into coordination at a high level.  That is our attempt as the Chinese Boxing principles help govern the goals of the boxing encounter and the principles enhance the art.  High percentage and probability are the goals of this most efficient synthesis.





Pendulum Palm


Reverse Punch

Lift Punch


Monkey Overhead


Palm Methods (4)

Short Range Punch


Stop Kicks

1. Lift

2. Side

Speed w/Lead Leg

3. Shuffle A Front

4. Instep Reverse

5. Shuffle A Round

Power w/ Lead Leg

 6. Side

7. Shuffle B Round

Power w/ Rear Leg

8. Torque

9. Round

10. Front Stomp


 11. Groin Scoop

 / Missle

12. Inside Sweep / Heel


1. Chum

2. Pak

3. Lap

4. Bong

5. Jut

6. Condor

7. Man

8. Crossed Taun Sao

9. Crossed Guan Sao

10. Triangle

11. Knee

12. Separating Palm


1. Shuffle A

2. Advance

3. Triangle

4. Shuffle B

5. Scampering

6. Nervous Feet

7. Drunken Step

8. Monkey Overstepping

9. JKD Shuffle Series


10. Offense

11. Yield and Counter

12. Stop Hit


Continuous Combinations

1. Chain Punching

2. Bil Jee

3. Figure 8 Up/Down

Short Combinations

4. Whiphand/jabbing

5. Lead Hand - Rear Hand

6. Switchblade

7. Forefist-Elbow or Hook

Blitz Combinations

8. Spade-Lop-Spade

9. Three Hand Monkey

10. Spade - Pak - Wingarm

11. Pak - Check - Spade

12. Straight/Duck/Palm check - Spade


1. Snake Cobra

2. Outer Circles

3. Sledgeing

4. Condor

5. Pakua Palm

6. Water Exercises

7. Teacup

8. Four Corners

9. Circle Within A Circle

10. Tiger

11. Four / Five Hand Blitz

12. Vortexing (3)


1. Pattern

2. Structure

3. Ground Leverage

4. Twisting Force (Silk Reeling)

5. Relaxation / Body State

6. Speed

7. Gravity / Sledging

8. Shock Force / Push Force

9. Unitary

10. Exercises

a. Application to any hand technique

b. Sand Thrusting

c. Mook Jong Exercises

d. Interdiction Palm

e. Yang Dar Training


1. Warm Up / Stretching

2. Strength Training

3. Legs

4. Stomach/Hips

5. Arms/ Shoulders

6. Wrists - Forearms

7. Fingers

8. Endurance

9. Footwork Chaining (continuous)

10. Footwork Chaining (fighting)

11. Shadow Boxing

12. Extended Dueling

Chin na

1. Lop

2. Finger

3. Wrist (3)

4. Elbow (3)

5. Bracelet

6. Vising methods

7. Short Arm Scissors

8. Neck

9. Ambush

Crown Eagle

10. Section 1-2

11. Section 3

12. Section 4-6


1. Distance

2. First Response

3. Misc. grabs

4. Elbow

5. Knee

6. Vital Points

7. Response to Angles

8. Three Strategy

9. SD against Weapons

10. Multiple Attack Strategy

11. Using Environment

12. Finishing

Ground Fighting

1. Moving to the ground (Def)

2. Moving to the ground (Off)

3. Postures on the Ground

4. Traversers on the Ground

5. Sweep/Kick on the Ground

6. Strategy from Below

7. Strategy on Top

8. Overall Strategy


1. Hsieh Sao

2. Pushes

3. Reaction to Pull& Push

4. Non-telegraphic

5. Folding skills

6. Triangle and Advance step

7. Jeet Sao Exercises

8. Four Hand Monkey

9. Bong Sao / Lop Sao

10. Basic arm/body balance

11. Single chi sao Rotation

12. Push Hands Rotations


1. Single Hand Process

2. Crossed Wrist

3. Push Hands (non - comp)

4. Standard Chin na Tie Up

5. Double Chi Sao

6. Push Hands (strong)

7. Kong Sao

8. Additional Duels

a. Pakua Joint Hands

b. Chi Tek

c. Fukien Joint Hands

d. Hsing-I Joint Hands

Fighing Theory

1. Chinese Boxing Theory

(ten principles)

2. Chinese Boxing Encounter

3. Three Entry Requirements

4. Mechanical variations:

a. body placement - legs

b. body placement - hands

c. closed vs. open position

5. Speed

6. Distance and Timing

7. Touch

8. Mind Hit and Strategy

Mind Hit

1. Mind in Combat - General

2. Opening - Attitude

3. Imaging

4. The Learning Mind

5. Mind Hit Execution

6. Mind Hit Defense

7. Pain

8. Confidence

9. Distraction

10. Intensity

11. Effect of Positive Philosophy

12. Synthetic Apriori Fist


1. History of CBII

2. Yin Yang

3. Wu Hsing

4. I-Ching

5. History of:


Tai Chi Chuan

Pakua Chantg

Hsing-I Chuan

Wing Chun

6. Differences in Western and Eastern thought.

7. Mind Hit book by Casey